If you have been living in a house with an older water heater and piping system and have yet to do any renovations or updates, you may want to consider replacing your water heater. Older water heaters are outdated, and most of the technologies that are now available go above and beyond and help you to save not only energy but money.

Many people complain about their water heaters not having enough water to satisfy all their needs, but if you work with a plumbing specialist, they can help lead you in the right direction when choosing a new water heater. You’ll be surprised at how revolutionary the changes are to the water heating technologies currently available. What once were large industrial tanks that took up a ton of space in your basement are now streamlined and efficient systems.

Saves You Money

Many people are deterred from buying a new water heater because they think it will cost too much money. While the upfront cost may be heavy, it doesn’t mean that you will not be saving money in the long term. New models are more energy-efficient, and thus, they require less electricity to heat the same amount of water.

Not only this, but you can keep more water. With a new water heater installed, you will notice that your monthly energy bills are significantly decreased. Not to mention an old water heater is more prone to brakes and repairs, which are inevitably going to cost you a ton of money in the long run.

You Have A Growing Family

If you have a big family or even a family with just two kids and two parents, you will need to update your water heater. With kids in school and parents getting ready for work, people will need to shower in the morning; however, with an older water heater, someone is going to get the short end of the stick and end up having a cold shower.

To meet the needs of your growing family, get a new water heater. It’s going to be able to accomplish much more than your previous model and ensure that you aren’t scrambling trying to make sure you’re saving hot water. Of course, it is good to be water conscious, but you shouldn’t be worried about letting the tap run for too long while doing the dishes or having a bath with too much water.

You Have An Older Model

If you have a water heater that’s over ten years old, the chances are that there will be issues. Water heater issues may start small, but eventually, you will notice that they become increasingly severe. If you’ve ever had to pay for repairs to your water heater, you may find that it is more expensive than you hope, and the older your machine, the more expensive the repairs tend to be.

With an updated model, things are more straightforward. The technology is more streamlined, and there is less room for error. So if your water heater is over ten years old, investing in the new one is going to save you a ton of headaches in the future and ensure you aren’t without hot water ever again.

Contact Icon Plumbing today to find out more about the new water heaters on the market.