Water pressure is something that people often take for granted and don’t really know or appreciate until the pressure drops below its standard levels. In most homes, this tends to be somewhere between 40 to 50 psi. So once the water pressure dips to even 30 psi, you’ll likely notice a significant difference in many areas of your life.
Not only will low water pressure negatively impact your ability to shower, but it will also impact other chores like cleaning laundry and washing dishes as well. That’s why you need to make sure that you are getting low water pressure dealt with as soon as possible.
The first step to solving a low water pressure issue is to understand why it happened in the first place. That’s why this blog post is here to help with as we provide you with a list of the most common reasons why your home might suddenly be experiencing low water pressure.
Too Many Devices Trying to Access Water At the Same Time
Depending on the capabilities of the residential plumbing system, your home might not be capable of supplying water to more than a couple of devices at the same time. Therefore, if someone is trying to run the dishwasher, while someone else is watering the lawn, and a third individual is taking a shower, this will likely cause a water pressure issue. So you need to make sure that you try and avoid having more than a couple of devices trying to use water at the same time.
Clogged Pipes or Fixtures
There is a variety of naturally-occurring contaminants that can begin to form a blockage within the pipes or plumbing fixtures at some point. Regardless of where the blockage occurs, it is going to cause a decrease in the amount of water that is allowed to flow through the system. So by the time the water actually gets released out of the tap, showerhead, or other home fixture, it will only be a fraction of the pressure that it normally is. That is why it is so important to get your home’s water supply regularly serviced in order to help prevent things like blockages from occurring.
Faulty Pressure Regulator
The role of the home’s pressure regulator is to help make sure the water pressure remains stable. But if this ever becomes faulty, then it will no longer be able to do its job. Therefore, it is quite common for the water pressure to either raise or lower significantly once the regulator stops working.
Closed Valves
There are two different valves throughout the home’s plumbing system that can be used in order to shut off the water supply. If either of these valves happens to be closed, then this will inevitably cause a drop in the water pressure. So you should make sure to check these valves to help make sure that they are still in the open position.
Regardless of what the problem is, you’re going to need a professional plumbing service in order to help restore your home’s water pressure to its normal levels. That is why you should make sure to contact us at Icon Plumbing Solutions in order to receive help dealing with suddenly low water pressure or whatever other residential plumbing issues you might have.