The bathroom is one of the essential rooms in a house. Family members and visitors use them regularly, and this means that they require maintenance to work correctly. There is nothing more stress-inducing than having to deal with damage in the bathroom. Fortunately, there are many ways that homeowners can avoid finding themselves in these situations by taking some precautions. Here are a few useful tips to prevent these home repair emergencies:

Keep it Spotless

How often should you clean your bathrooms? An excellent rule of thumb is once per week. Remember to target every area. This includes the bathroom or shower, toilet, sink basin, mirrors, and floors. Pay close attention to the cleaning products you use. The best ones disinfect and clean. If you are not sure if that product is right for you, read some online reviews. 

Avoid Mold Growth

Bathrooms are closed environments exposed to humidity and heat. This can translate into dangerous mold, forming around tiles and walls. To ensure that this isn’t happening, make routine inspections looking out for this type of growth. Make sure that the grout and sealant are intact. Key areas to inspect are the tiles in the shower and the rim of the toilet bowl. If you find mold, you can remove it with oxygen bleach and other products designed for this purpose. 

Repair Leaks

Many items in your bathroom are prone to damage and leaking. Not only will this contribute to the formation of mold, but you will also see this reflected on your water bill. Make careful inspections or all the pipes and spouts. Other areas to look out for leakages are the bathtub and toilet. If you do find leakage but are unsure of how to repair it, contact a professional plumber. If you don’t have the knowledge to deal with a plumbing emergency, you could end up causing more damage.  

Change Broken Tiles

Tiles are prone to loosening or breaking over time. If you find that some of your tiles are damaged, change them as soon as possible to prevent mold formation under those surfaces. If you have wallpaper in your bathroom, replace it with tile or waterproof paint. 

Use Drain Covers

This inexpensive piece of equipment can save you a lot of money in the long run. When you shower, you naturally lose hair strands that can cause serious clog issues in your pipes. This is easily avoidable by using a drain cover. Remember that they also need to be cleaned periodically to work better. 


Bathrooms always see a lot of action and require care and maintenance. Because they are exposed to humidity and heat, this can lead to the formation of mold. Introducing simple solutions like drain covers will make a huge difference. Other common repairs include leaking pipes and broken tiles. If you are not sure how to make any of these repairs, consult with an expert plumber at Icon Plumbing Solutions today.