And how to avoid them.

Winter is a tough season. It seems to drag on and on. Just when you’re ready for spring, the cold temperatures and prolonged snowfall may trigger problems with your plumbing.

Here are five common winter plumbing problems and how to solve or avoid them.

Frozen Pipes

The best way to keep pipes from freezing is to insulate them well. But if you missed the boat on that and they do freeze, shut off the water supply right away to prevent them from bursting. Burst pipes can cause lots of expensive damage.


Clogged Kitchen Drains

Your kitchen drain gets a lot more use during the winter months, and that can lead to clogs. To avoid this, always remind family members and visitors not to put items like coffee grounds down the garbage disposal. If it does happen to get clogged, give us a call, or take a look at our previous post about DIY plumbing hacks.


Water Heater Problems

Your water heater has to work harder in wintertime. Make sure to get your water heater serviced regularly. It should be drained once a year. Also, be sure to insulate any pipes leading to or from your water heater.


Water Line Break

If your plumbing system is old, freezing temps may cause the water line to crack or split. This is especially likely to happen if your pipes freeze. Have your water line checked once a year to ensure it’s up-to-date and in good working order.


Septic Tank Leaks

If your main septic tank line freezes, this can spiral into a backed-up system and sewage leaks. Fill in any open areas around your septic tank line with soil to prevent exposure to freezing temperatures. Place a layer of straw over the septic tank and any lines that lead to it.

By following these tips, you and your plumbing can make it to spring without unexpected damage or expense. If you have problems, you can always contact us at Icon Plumbing Solutions.